Simitian for Congress Media Kit
KPIX News: Interview with Joe Simitian
“Congress has to step up and step in and pass a law at the national level that protects the rights of women and families throughout the country… D.C. may be polarized but I think most people around the nation want to make sure abortion is legal and available.” Watch the news segment here
KTVU Analysis: “He’s the Swiss Army knife of candidates.”
Brian Sobel, political analyst at KTVU, says about Joe Simitian: “He’s served at every level of government – he’s been at the local level, the supervisorial level, the Assembly, the Senate. He’s basically done it all—he’s the Swiss Army knife of candidates.” Alex Savidge: “He’s ready to go on Day 1.” Sobel: “Absolutely.” Watch the Read More
Los Altos Town Crier: Joe Simitian for U.S. Congress
“The United States Congress is a dysfunctional mess, mainly because voters have elected highly partisan, do-nothing candidates who see their main objective as undermining the other party. We can change that by electing people who are issue-based, seasoned and whose end-game is wanting to improve the lives of his constituents. People like Joe Simitian….” Read Read More
硅谷国会议员选举激烈 史密提恩获华人社区领袖支持
[Silicon Valley Congressional Election Heats Up, Joe Simitian Gains Support from Chinese Community Leaders] 加州第16区也就是硅谷选区的国会议员选举进入白热化阶段。第16区联邦众议员候选人、圣他克拉拉现任县议员史密提恩(Joe Simitian)1日接受本报专访时表示,希望在国会能打击住房危机、改善医疗保险以及降低医疗成本和扩大可取得性,另外他也重视气候变化问题,并协助硅谷社区应对极端天气。 [The congressional election for California’s 16th District, which includes Silicon Valley, has reached an intense phase. Joe Simitian, a candidate for the 16th District’s Federal Representative and currently serving as a Santa Clara County Supervisor, expressed in an exclusive Read More