硅谷国会议员选举激烈 史密提恩获华人社区领袖支持
[Silicon Valley Congressional Election Heats Up, Joe Simitian Gains Support from Chinese Community Leaders]
加州第16区也就是硅谷选区的国会议员选举进入白热化阶段。第16区联邦众议员候选人、圣他克拉拉现任县议员史密提恩(Joe Simitian)1日接受本报专访时表示,希望在国会能打击住房危机、改善医疗保险以及降低医疗成本和扩大可取得性,另外他也重视气候变化问题,并协助硅谷社区应对极端天气。
[The congressional election for California’s 16th District, which includes Silicon Valley, has reached an intense phase. Joe Simitian, a candidate for the 16th District’s Federal Representative and currently serving as a Santa Clara County Supervisor, expressed in an exclusive interview with this newspaper on the 1st that he hopes to combat the housing crisis, improve health insurance, lower healthcare costs and expand accessibility in Congress. Additionally, he is also focused on climate change issues and assisting the Silicon Valley community in dealing with extreme weather.]